March 2023


AlyssaIT’S OFFICIAL! Alyssa McIntyre has been assigned as the exclusive Customer Care Specialist to Divina customers.

Name: Alyssa McIntyre

Position: Lead Customer Care Specialist. Alyssa’s background has always been in customer service and office administration.

Years With Divina/Phoenix: 4 years / March 5th is her anniversary date. During this time, Alyssa has developed many long-lasting relationships with our customers.

Unique Fun Facts: Alyssa has two feline fur babies named Lucian and Miasma. She has had blue hair for the last eight years. Before that, it was every color under the rainbow.

Personal Life: Recently married to the love of her life, Kevin, on August 20, 2022, at the Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory. Alyssa enjoys spending time at the beach and collecting shells in her off time.

Personal Message: Alyssa says, “I am excited to be your dedicated Lead Customer Support Specialist, to help support you and your business. I bring over ten years of customer care, strong product knowledge, and a fresh perspective to provide you with an experience like no other. I provide:

  • Exceptional Customer Service
  • Orders
  • Billing
  • Resolving Customer Grievances
  • Liaison Between You and Your Sales Representative

Contact me to SAY HELLO, for a QUOTE, or place an ORDER. I look forward to serving you!”


Contact Info:
860-589-7502, Ext. 113
[email protected]
Monday – Friday, 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM EST



Digital Marketing

As you know, we have been busy working within Divina. We’ve made improvements to the mixing/tank room, updated some of our packaging, decorated box- es, developed new products, updated literature, and more behind-the-scenes, such as branding and our digital appearance. My goal for 2023 is to continue to grow Divina in all aspects—seen and unseen—and find a way to help you, our customers, grow and succeed.

I will be writing a nine-part series on the importance of the business’s digital appearance and how to improve it. If you are already out there digitally, please take the time to keep it updated. If you are getting started, im- prove it. Almost everything that is shared in this series, you should be able to do on your own. If not, we can help guide you to the resources you need.

We care and we are here to help you!



Digital Marketing Series

This newsletter is Part 1 of the nine-part series. Topics will include:

  • How To Find You
  • Branding, SEO (Google)
  • YELP
  • Social Media Website
  • E-Mail
  • E-Blasts
  • CRM (Customer Relations Mgmt.)
  • Newsletters
  • Making It Work For You

What I will be giving you is a brief explanation of each topic. If you want to learn about a topic further, you can always do an Internet search. At Divina, we will continue to work on improving our business and work life while taking great care of your Divina needs.


HOW TO FIND YOU (Series, Part 1 of 9)

How Are Your Customers Contacting You?
Is your digital appearance attracting new clients and making it easy for existing clients to reach you?
If not, then let’s get started on fixing that.

Knowing that everyone has a phone in their hand, we realize that it is much more than just a phone; it is a wealth of knowledge and a constant advertisement for a business and/or a brand. It is also a means of communicating what you need, especially when time is of the essence. Technology is not going away; it is only going to get BETTER. By enhancing your digital appearance, your business will GROW.

In the beginning, it can appear to be an overwhelming amount of work that needs to be done, but tackling it one step at a time will get you through it successfully. Follow the information provided and work on it a little each month; you will be all set by the end of the year. Let’s do it together! Any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Email MarketingWhat is the importance of an email address?
It is an excellent way of communicating when time is of the essence. It is easy to send orders online, plus they are more accurate than ordering by phone. It is an excellent way for your client, that works unique hours, to communicate with you. Before getting started, select an exclusive business email address that has your business name in it, which makes it easy for your customers to remember. Keep this business email separate from your personal email. I have seen too many email addresses that are just some letters and numbers—this makes them forgettable. Instead, be memorable with an email address that has a quality that makes it special, unusual, or interesting.

Tip: If you want to do a website, look into the website address first.

Many email hosting providers offer EMAIL OPTIONS, such as: Gmail, Outlook, iCloud, Yahoo, Zoho, and website hosts. Some free email hosts come with several apps that can help a business. Several free website platforms offer BUY-IN OPTIONS for your exclusive email address and website, such as: Wix, InfinityFree, ByetHost, etc. Don’t forget to check with your Internet carrier to see if they provide email addresses. Whatever you create, know this will be with your business for a long time. It is recommended that you don’t change your email address, unless you have to. Instead you will want consistency, putting your email address on everything! Gmail Email Example: [email protected]

Tip: Check your email communications several times a day. Be timely and responsive, staying in touch with your growing business community.

Consumer BehaviorIf you can find some spare time (though I know we don’t get much of that these days), do an Internet search on some of your competitors, check- ing out everything digitally on them you can find, such as: websites, so- cial media, reviews, etc. Start making notes of what you like and want to avoid. Then look at some websites that don’t have anything to do with this industry and note what attracts you to them. It would be best to start finding “what makes you different” and “why your customers buy from you.” Make this part of your business motto.

“Change is hard and growing pains are felt, but keeping yourself out there will only make your business STRONGER!”




Alyssa McIntyre
Lead, Customer Care Representative
[email protected]
860-589-7502 X113

As always, I am here to help you grow and support you with your Divina needs.


Beverly Massoni

As always, I am here to help you grow and support you with your Divina needs.

Beverly Massoni
Vice President
[email protected]



Kylie Mikita
Customer Care Specialist
[email protected]
860-589-7502 X117